Where to From Here? Fashion Design Law, Technology and Practice in Australia
Image Credit: Justin Ridler
Design rights have been described as ‘An Expensive, Confusing, and Ineffective Suit of Armor’ when it comes to the IP protection of emerging fashion designers in the digital age (Janssens & Lavanga, Fashion Theory, online 26 October 2018). Indeed, notwithstanding the plethora of IP rights marginally available to fashion design, according to OECD data for 2016 footwear and clothing top the trade in counterfeit and pirated goods worldwide (OECD, Trends in Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Good, 18 March, 2019). And the prospects of civil and criminal liability seem quite ineffective in the face of an entire fashion industry which is ‘built around the idea that trendy clothes should be available to consumers at accessible price points’ rather than rewarding and encouraging innovative design (Brucculieri, Huffington Post, 4 September 2018).
So where are the gaps in the Australian IP laws that may be called on to protect fashion design, what do these laws protect, how is technology changing current practices, and how might design rights perform better for a new generation of fashion designers in Australia specifically? A panel of experts from law, industry and IP Australia will consider these questions as part of this seminar presented by the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia, Melbourne Law School.
Colin Golvan AM QC Victorian Bar
Alana Kushnir Lawyer and Curator, Director and Founder of Guest Work Agency
Brett Massey Assistant Director Domestic Policy & Legislation, IP Australia
Chair: Kwanghui Lim Associate Professor, Melbourne Business School
Date: Wednesday 13 November
Time: 6:00pm - 7:15pm (followed by refreshments; 7:15pm - 8:00pm)
Where: Melbourne Business School, LT2, Leicester St., Carlton 3053, VIC
Register: click here